age calculator


Age can be calculated very easily by using age calculator. You put in your date of birth in age Calculator and you will see your age. How we age calculate is discussed in detail under below.


Your age is


At various times, we need to age calculate. Not everyone knows how to age calculate by mathematics. Nowadays it is possible to calculate very easily with the help of various calculators. This age calculator doesn't need to know any formula to calculate. How to age calculate through mathematics is discussed in detail below.

From here we will know how to age calculate of a person. To age calculate of a person must first know the month in which the person was born. After that we need to know the number of days of that month. Here are discuss the steps to age calculate.


NO.1:-First write the current year. Then write date of birth year below current year. After that I will subtract. (example:- current year-date of birth year). The method of age calculator is explained in the figure below.

formula of age calculator by mathematics

NO.2-The method of age calculator. year, month, date of current time is big and year, month, date of birthday is small of person. then simple subtraction. (example:- 24:08:2024-15:05:2019= ANS:-5 Year, 3 month, 9 dates)

simple age calculate system by mathematics

NO.3:- If current date is small from birth date in age calculator system. current date is small and birth date is big. current date < birth date. Then, 30 days should be added to the current day by subtracting one month from the current month.

day small calculate system by mathematics

If month of date of birth is 31 day. Add 1 to the sum of days. One of the most important things when age calculator is to know the day of the English months. The number of days in 12 months is discussed in the table below.

add one day in age calculator system

 other system add one day

If February month has 28 days then subtract 2 days from answer day and February month has 29 days then subtract 1 days from answer day. Because every four years and every four hundred years there is a called leap-year.

In order to age calculate of a person, we must know what is the leap year. Because in the year a people was born, this year is leap year. If the leap year is not known, the age calculation will be reduced by one day. (In this case the age of the person should be in the month of February of leap year)

How to know which year is leap-year in English calendar

what is leap year

Earth takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes 46 seconds to revolves around the Sun. But we count approximately 365 days and 6 hours. So every year increases to 6 hours. In 4 years increase 24 hours. Because 6 hours multiplied by 4 = 24 hours. 24 hours = 1 day. So every 4 years is increased by 1 day. So the month of February is increased one day in 4 years to 29 days. The number of days in leap year, that year will be 366 days.

which year is divided by 400, that year is leap year. In this case also the day of February will be 29 days. The system of dividing leap year by 400 started from 1582 A.D. This year in October , on the calendar 4th October the next date was the 15th October. The middle 10 days was excluded from the calendar of October of 1582 A.D.

date of birth calculator

Currently we use English calendar. According to the English calendar there are 12 months in one year. every in the month is not equal number of days. Some months are 30 days, Some months are 31 days and february month is 28 days. Again a leap year has 29 days of February month. What is leap year is discussed in detail below. The number of days of the months of the English year is mention in under table.

months day
january 31
February 28/29
March 31
April 30
may 31
jun 30
julay 31
August 31
september 30
october 31
november 30
december 31